Comedy Otis stronG Show
Otis Tsao and Strong Chen are the original generation of Live Comedy Club Taipei.
They will bring you the best new routines of stand-up and musical comedy for your joy.
This will be a show of Oldies but Goodies.
Otis 與 StronG
給你Oldies but Goodies 的笑料
Please Note: Show mainly perfomed in Mandarin
Suitable for audiences 15+
Language – occasional coarse language
Otis Tsao and Strong Chen are the original generation of Live Comedy Club Taipei.
They will bring you the best new routines of stand-up and musical comedy for your joy.
This will be a show of Oldies but Goodies.
Otis 與 StronG
給你Oldies but Goodies 的笑料
Please Note: Show mainly perfomed in Mandarin
Suitable for audiences 15+
Language – occasional coarse language